Buoy Data Around the Hawaiian Islands
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Air Temperature Water Temperature Wind Direction @ Speed Wind Gust Speed Barometer Barometer Trend Wave Height Wave Dominant Period
ID | Name | Time HST |
Air °F |
Water °F |
Wind mph |
Gust mph |
Baro in |
Trend in |
Waves ft |
Period Sec |
51001 | 170 NM WNW of Kauai | No recent reports. | ||||||||
51WH0 | Woods Hole Ocean Time-series | No recent reports. | ||||||||
51201 | Waimea Bay, HI | No recent reports. | ||||||||
51202 | Mokapu Point, HI | No recent reports. | ||||||||
OOUH1 | Honolulu, HI | No recent reports. | ||||||||
KLIH1 | Kahului Bay, Maui | No recent reports. | ||||||||
51203 | Kaumalapau, HI | No recent reports. | ||||||||
51003 | 205 NM SW of Honolulu | No recent reports. | ||||||||
51002 | 215 NM SSW of Hilo | No recent reports. | ||||||||
51004 | 185 NM SE of Hilo | No recent reports. |
The data being displayed compliments of NOAA's National Data Buoy Center.